About the church mice

The church mice are JO, aka John Drane & Olive Fleming Drane.  We are based in Scotland, but these last few years have traveled to so many parts of the world working with Christians on the cutting edge of culture and faith that sometimes we wonder where we truly belong.  We can variously be described as ministers, professors, trouble-makers, spiritual consultants, life coaches, traditionalists, radicals … all these and more.  We can be at home with conventional Christian spirituality, just as easily as with the emerging church.  Some people might think we’re confused, maybe uncertain.  We prefer to see ourselves as living like Jesus, open to journey with anyone who wants to join us, with no questions off-limits.  Actually, we’re not as flaky as all that might sound.  We’ve been married to each other for more decades than most people believe possible, so we do know about commitment as well.  But then, that’s something else that is also counter-cultural in the 21st century (even for Christians) – staying together, being lovers after so long ….



We’ve also written a fair number of books between us.  Most recently:

  • The McDonaldization of the Church (John): published by Darton Longman & Todd and Smyth & Helwys
  • Clowns, Storytellers, Disciples (Olive): published by BRF and Augsburg Fortress
  • After McDonaldization: mission, ministry, and Christian discipleship in an age of uncertainty (John): published by Darton Longman & Todd and Baker Academic
  • Spirituality to Go: rituals & reflections for everyday living (Olive): published by Darton Longman & Todd
  • Do Christians know how to be Spiritual? (John): published by Darton Longman & Todd
  • Family Fortunes: faith-full caring for today’s families (both): published by Darton Longman & Todd
  • We are both Visiting Fellows at St John’s College, Durham, England.  We also teach regularly for Fuller Seminary (Pasadena, California), as well as being spiritual consultants to emerging churches throughout the world.

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